Michelle Ringgold

Michelle Ringgold Profile Photo

User Experience Team Lead, City of Seattle IT

Asking questions and solving problems that revolve around business and people motivates me. I've worked on teams and independently and do both well, though I thrive in a collaborative environment where I can apply my participatory leadership, which is very effective for creative teams.

My expertise in design thinking combined with my excellent people skills, make me an asset to any team.

Human-centered design and research are my compass. I've learned that research and testing help support or redefine the project scope and are necessary for a solution that meets the users and business needs.

Dec. 31, 2024

#184: Seattle's Human-Centric Approach to Digital Services [Seattle Learning Conference 2024]

Featuring: Michal Perlstein , Senior Manager of Digital Engagement, City of Seattle IT Michelle Ringgold , User Experience Team Lead, City of Seattle IT Dennis McCoy , Product Management Team Supervisor, City of Seattle IT Je...