Chris Winnek

Chris Winnek Profile Photo

Executive Officer, 71st Theater Information Operations Group & Cyber Operations Chief at the Texas Military Department

Sept. 16, 2023

Ep.153 The Motion Offense: Cybersecurity Strategies That Build Relationships First

Show Notes Featuring Lt Col. Chris Winnek, Commander, 102nd Information Ops Battalion & Cyber Operations Chief at the Texas Military Dept., and Chris Humphreys, Texas State Cybersecurity Council "This is NOT the new normal to...
Aug. 31, 2023

Ep.150 The CIO Team Captain's Unwavering Passion for Victory

Show Notes πŸ”— Connect with Sindhu: πŸŽ™ About the episode It was the end of an incredible but long day of interviews at our Houston Live Podcast Tour, and we were thrilled to end on a quie...
Aug. 24, 2023

Ep.147 End-to-End User Experience: Bracket-Busting CIO Strategies That Work with Lisa Kent, CIO, and Summer Xiao, Deputy CIO, of the City of Houston

Lisa Kent, CIO, and Summer Xiao, Deputy CIO, of the City of Houston, share insights on improving customer experience and creating a culture of empathy in large organizations.Β  They stress the importance of learning from business units and providing them with guidance. They also discuss HR projec…